Page name: Giffie-Pet Store [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-02-13 21:47:18
Last author: tomsawyer8648
Owner: Bookwyrm
# of watchers: 265
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Welcome, Elfpacker, to the Giffie-Pet store!
We have fuzzy-wuzzies and creepy-crawlies galore--
Pets that crawl and some that soar!
This is a special place filled with magic and lore,
All bets are off when you walk through our door!
So come on in and have a look around,
You can even adopt from our Giffie-Pet Pound.
Just keep in mind that you can only choose one!
Make your choice wisely and when you're all done,
You'll have a special friend to show off to everyone!

Custom Poetry by [Deg]! Thanks to her!



This is the place to get your very own Giffie-Pet. You need to choose carefully as you can only have one to begin with! Think about the name you want to give it as it can't be changed without a Name Change Token from the Tog Shop.

If you don't see any here that you like, you might want to check the Giffie-Pet Pound as well, or wait for the next batch of pets to come from the Normal Pet Storehouse.

When you have chosen the pet you want, edit this page using the 'ADV EDIT' button to add your username link (your username in the [] tags) below the pet you'd like to adopt. Don't forget to add the name you want to give it.

Do not edit anything else! If a pet isn't in stock, you can't request it. If you are unsure about editing the wiki, make your request in the comment box.



Himalayan Cat

Siamese Cat

Basset Hound

Cute Red Fox
1) [lulu dinobot] Todd.
2) [AdamTheChespin] Tommy.

Grey Rat

Leopard Gecko

Milk Snake

Green Parakeet




Round Hermit Crab

Monarch Butterfly
1)[Hollylocks] ChickenPie


Killer Rabbit



Please be sure you have read Owning a Giffie-Pet before asking how to do something! If you still need help join the forum at <joinforum:195:pets> (Giffie-Pet Chat and Question Area)

The Giffie-Pet Staff are willing to answer your questions in the comments or forum if you need to know something that isn't covered in the wiki.



Store Update!

We're back open for business! Enjoy.


Giffie-Pet StoreGiffie-Pet PoundUnique Giffie-PetsOwning A Giffie-PetGiffie-Pet StaffGiffie Help

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2006-08-22 [sweetkiss]: lol. i'd not like 2 tell it actually, but a long story stort it saved my friends kids life. but i hate this subject.

2006-08-22 [zoloftzantac]: You brought this subject up, and I quite honestly can hardly believe you. I have never heard of smoking anything other than medical marijauana being good for anyone in anyway.

2006-08-22 [Tear]: Medicinal Marijuana is only prescribed for terminal cancer patients, and the elderly that have glaucoma. And that is just to ease the pain, and help with sight, other then that, it isn't good for you, but oh well. I still smoke it.

2006-08-22 [FireGypsy]: I think its good for me ^-^ makes me feel good anyway lol!

2006-08-22 [Tear]: <--- is blazed beyond belief.
And relaxing soooooo much.

2006-08-22 [zoloftzantac]: In California a doctor can perscribe it for any reason they see fit. For example, I know a guy who was given it to stimulate his appitite. ;)

2006-08-22 [Ihsahn]: It is still illegal..

2006-08-22 [zoloftzantac]: It is not illegal by California State law.

It is the USA Federal Law that makes it illegal. Most all of the law enforcment in California works for the city/county/state levels, and they don't care about medical marijauna and they don't enforce the federal laws.

But then if a Federal group like the DEA finds out about you they can show up and bust you and California won't help you.

It is a whole big can of worms. A power strugle between state and federal governments.

2006-08-22 [Ihsahn]: Yes I know and the DEA has been all over sacramento recently about the medicanal Marijuana tis sad.

2006-08-23 [sweetkiss]: majuana also helps anorexic ppl. lol. i think i am moving 2 cali. now

2006-08-23 [Ihsahn]: If you really think so..

2006-08-24 [Larova]: I certainly think so.
How wouldn't it help the anorexic? (Aside from overeating with a decreased stomach capacity, of course...)

2006-08-24 [zoloftzantac]: Medical marijuana is being used for appetite stimulation to help people with serious loss of appetite due to advanced cancer, AIDS and anorexia.

2006-08-24 [FireGypsy]: Thats also why I smoke! Im never ever ever hungry! But when I smoke at night, you bet your ass im eating everything in the fridge and cabinets!

2006-08-24 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Is it just me or is this a BIT off the topic of the store?

2006-08-24 [Goodbye EP]: Perhaps... :|

2006-08-24 [Tear]: Does it matter? I was the only Nazi, and I am no longer Naziing, so we can keep this the massive spamhole it once was.

2006-08-24 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Alright. :) Just wondering.

2006-08-24 [FireGypsy]: I have considered telling people to stop with the chatter many times, but its kinda pointless, it will happen anyway! lol!

2006-08-24 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol Yeah, I figured.

2006-08-24 [Larova]: Speaking of which, can I get a Cthulhu giffie-pet?
I'll give you all the petses in exchange.

2006-08-24 [sweetkiss]: i can not figure out how 2 get a giffie-pet i get really confused

2006-08-24 [Bookwyrm]: Find a pet in the store that you like and then send a request to me for that pet with a name of your own choosing.

2006-08-24 [kittykittykitty]: Can I restock I wanna restockk the pets can I can I can I do it sooooon? I don't think people like spiders as pets :( Poor spideys ;_;

2006-08-24 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah, I think we need to restock bad...I'm tired of waiting. Let's just pretend we never stocked the starfish and spiders...

2006-08-24 [kittykittykitty]: Ok... sure thing :) *put some money from her pocket to the till to pay for the store's losses and takes the starfish and the spiders to the Giffie-Pet Sanctuary*

2006-08-24 [Bookwyrm]: Aww, that was sweet of you kitty. ;)

2006-08-24 [kittykittykitty]: :D A litter of Retreiver pups has just come into the stoooore *throws toys in their pen for them to play with* :D *hopes she brought the right amount of pets in for the restock, placing a butterfly jar on the counter*

2006-08-24 [Bookwyrm]: You did fantastically. ^^ Thank you very much! ::scratches one of the pups behind the ears:: Oh I just love when we get tortoises! They're so pretty. :)

2006-08-24 [kittykittykitty]: Oh good ^_____^ It's nice to have the store full again... it was getting a little lonely having no customers :( *feeds and waters the pets and gives them some room to settle in* That leopard tortoise seems really nice :D I could have sworn it was smiling at me

2006-08-24 [Ice-box]: Hi ppl! I want the green parakeet please.

2006-08-24 [Firenze]: [Ice-box] send your order to [Bookwyrm]...

2006-08-24 [Ice-box]: thank you.

2006-08-24 [Firenze]: No problem.

2006-08-25 [sweetkiss]: can i have a spider?

2006-08-25 [Bookwyrm]: Currently there are no spiders in stock, you will have to wait 'til the next restock to see if there are any spiders. Make sure to watch the page. ;) When you see a spider that you like, simply send a message to me with your request and a name for the spider.

2006-08-26 [sweetkiss]: kk, anx

2006-08-27 [Big Brother]: 5 Killer Rabbits got out of their holding cells, hurry and be one of the first 5 to find them and you will get him.

2006-08-27 [FireGypsy]: This is my favourite game!

2006-08-27 [sweetkiss]: i'm confused by it

2006-08-27 [FireGypsy]: They got out! You have to find them! Hurry before someone else does! *scurries*

2006-08-27 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I tried... XD Then gave up a minute later.

2006-08-27 [Tear]: Eh, I can do without a Killer Rabbit.
I'm allergic.

2006-08-27 [FireGypsy]: *keeps her mouth shut*

2006-08-27 [Game_Over]: hey i better get a damn cool like rare gifi if i win the bikini hunks in sunglasses competition cuz i feel so wrong for it and it is so demeaning but i wanna win something

2006-08-27 [Tear]: You would get three donor privs, if you won. I don't think the pet store involved itself with that.

2006-08-27 [FireGypsy]: Lol! ^-^

2006-08-27 [Big Brother]: no giffie for that contest ^_^

2006-08-27 [ilovedrake]: hey whos babby bear is that and can i take it plz =)

2006-08-27 [Fear of the Soul]: how do you look for one??? go to wiki's or what???????? GAH *confused* *implodes*

2006-08-27 [FireGypsy]: lol its a tazmanian devil! Not a bear! And read the instructions!

2006-08-27 [Elandain]: Yeah, a Tazzy devil! I'm insulted.

2006-08-27 [FireGypsy]: You should be!

2006-08-27 [Steph-O-Melon]: lol im still confused about the game ^^

2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: 5 rabbits escaped! You must find their location.....cmon now its not that difficult!

2006-08-28 [sweetkiss]: yah it is i tried 4 1 hour and i got really confused by the instructions but i hate reading so mayb that's y.

2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Really? I found it in 2 seconds! Literally! Just keep looking! ^-^

2006-08-28 [Fear of the Soul]: same!!!

2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: only 2 rabbits left......

2006-08-28 [Fear of the Soul]: wheeeeeeee!

2006-08-28 [Tear]: No.

2006-08-28 [Fear of the Soul]: oh.... oops... *serious face*

2006-08-28 [Tear]: DAMN SKIPPY!
Look at that, my mere appearance strikes fear into the hearts of newbs everywhere.

2006-08-28 [Fear of the Soul]: *goes into corner and reads s.k.**happiness*

2006-08-28 [Bookwyrm]: ::pokes [Tear] with a pointy stick:: Fear...o.o hmm yes I suppose you could use that word...

2006-08-28 [Tear]: You defile my person with a pointy stick?

2006-08-28 [Bookwyrm]: Oh snapage! I know you didn't! ::ducks under counter and pulls out her BIG pointy stick:: It's on now!

2006-08-28 [Tear]: *sticks Mothyr's head in a giant pencil sharpener and twists"
I win.

2006-08-28 [Bookwyrm]: How rude...o.o ::shoves pointy stick into a very inappropriate place on [Tear]::

2006-08-28 [Tear]: *parries and grabs stick, kicking it to break it in two*

2006-08-28 [sweetkiss]: lol. *sits and watchs*

2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: There are still 2 Killer Rabbits on the loose! Hurry and find them!

2006-08-28 [Fear of the Soul]: *says to sweetkiss* fun times *goes back to book*

2006-08-28 [Enneigard Rebirth]: hahahahahahahaha

2006-08-29 [Daniella]: do you guys know if you will have any bull dogs in the next time you restock?

2006-08-29 [FireGypsy]: Nobody knows... *shifty eyes*

2006-08-29 [Enneigard Rebirth]: AAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-08-29 [kittykittykitty]: Just keep looking for that bulldog ^^ Even if they come into stock you might have to be very quick to get such a popular pet as a doggy ;) All our labs pups were taken within a day :O

2006-08-30 [Fear of the Soul]: wow

2006-08-30 [Enneigard Rebirth]: omelette.

2006-08-30 [FireGypsy]: O_o

2006-08-30 [phoenixborn]: i prefer buscuits myself.

2006-08-30 [Fear of the Soul]: poptarts!!!!

2006-08-30 [phoenixborn]: BUSCUITS!!! unless theyre jaffa cakes. do they count as buscuits?

2006-08-30 [Fear of the Soul]: i dunno.....

2006-08-30 [FireGypsy]: Pancakes are better!

2006-08-30 [Fear of the Soul]: POP..... CORN!!!!!

2006-08-30 [FireGypsy]: Chocolate Ice Cream! *drools*

2006-08-30 [Fear of the Soul]: *drools too*

2006-08-31 [Tear]: pizza freakin rolls yo.

2006-08-31 [FireGypsy]: I dont like pizza much...

2006-08-31 [Nytefox]: how about a hot brownie with ice cream and hot fudge...

2006-08-31 [FireGypsy]: YES! Thats what im talking about!

2006-08-31 [Tear]: Oh fucking shit that sounds good.

2006-08-31 [Nytefox]: I know... I've been craving it all week...

2006-08-31 [twinkletoes]: mmmmm...that does sound good....

2006-08-31 [Fear of the Soul]: mmm, thai food spicy, oh god... *dies thinking about it*

2006-08-31 [kittykittykitty]: Caaaaaake! *drools* Most cakes are better than ice cream, etc. Now I want cake ;_; I love food so much. Yesterday I had about 1ooo calories in one sitting and I still wanted more food :0 I fully appreciate my high metabolism ^_^

2006-08-31 [FireGypsy]: Same here! I eat all the time! My favourite ice cream snack was a Biggy Iggy (chocolate chip cookie sandwich) and a Chewie Louie (chocolate chocolate chip cookie sandwich) which was like an ice cream cookie sandwich but like 2985729485X better! It all by itself was a total of 600 calories! I ate them allll the time! All I do is eat lol!

2006-08-31 [phoenixborn]: mmmm... banana, golden syrup and vanilla ice cream sandwich. stupidly hard to eat but oh so nice

2006-08-31 [Fear of the Soul]: *looks at sandwitch im eting* heh... YAY PICKLES AND PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-08-31 [Nytefox]: hehe... I dont eat meals... I just constantly snack on as much junk food I can find at a time ^^

2006-08-31 [phoenixborn]: i live on wheatabix and toast

2006-09-01 [Dj KC]: im bored wats up ppl

2006-09-01 [phoenixborn]: many things are up. or maybe they are thing that are actully down, but someone flipped them up the wrong way.

2006-09-01 [Nytefox]: I agree with that guy above me...

2006-09-01 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ...So spamming is allowed now... lol Perfect.

2006-09-01 [FireGypsy]: I guess so lol!

2006-09-02 [Dj KC]: thats confusein?

2006-09-02 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ...

2006-09-02 [Nytefox]: food? WHERE???

2006-09-02 [kittykittykitty]: *points* Over there!

2006-09-02 [Nytefox]: (runs over to food)

2006-09-02 [kittykittykitty]: Or... was it that way? *points the opposite direction* I can't remember ^_^"

2006-09-02 [Nytefox]: (runs back and forth and back and forth and back and forth)

2006-09-02 [kittykittykitty]: Good duck, now make me some pancakes? :)

2006-09-02 [FireGypsy]: Pancakes!

2006-09-02 [twinkletoes]: i love pancakes!

2006-09-02 [FireGypsy]: Me too! ^-^

2006-09-02 [Nytefox]: wait... I'm a duck?? (blink blink)... I feel pretty canine... oh well (makes pancakes for Kitty)

2006-09-03 [someone else]: can i have a pet? they look soo cute!

2006-09-03 [FireGypsy]: All you have to do is read....

2006-09-03 [Big Brother]: sure! what do you want? you can have anything!

2006-09-03 [someone else]: i don't know, can i have that pretty butterfly?

2006-09-03 [Big Brother]: sure, what name?

2006-09-03 [someone else]: umm, how about Niki, she is my best friend!

2006-09-03 [Big Brother]: sure thing ^_^

2006-09-03 [someone else]: Thank you soo much, i love you.

2006-09-03 [Fear of the Soul]: w00t!

2006-09-03 [someone else]: w00t? i don't understand.

2006-09-03 [Fear of the Soul]: im happy because another giffie has an owner... yay?

2006-09-03 [someone else]: oh, i'm happy too. i think this is a really good idea!

2006-09-03 [Fear of the Soul]: yeah, me too! awesomeness!!!

2006-09-03 [FireGypsy]: Ahem...did someone just say they loved my man? *shakes fist* loL! ^-^

2006-09-03 [Fear of the Soul]: uh oh!

2006-09-03 [someone else]: yes, he was very nice to me.

2006-09-03 [twinkletoes]: nnonono...jon is can't have him!!!

2006-09-03 [Fear of the Soul]: CAT FIGHT!!!!

2006-09-03 [someone else]: how many peaple own him?

2006-09-03 [twinkletoes]: one else can own him if he's mine...which he is

2006-09-03 [someone else]: but another girl claimed him.

2006-09-03 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-09-03 [Big Brother]: i'm married to [FireGypsy] and [twinkletoes].....been married to [FireGypsy] longer though.

2006-09-03 [someone else]: really? is that legal?

2006-09-03 [Bookwyrm]: It is if Jon says it is. ;)

2006-09-03 [Daniella]: OMG a month i bet the people who were waiting were going mad lol

2006-09-03 [Nytefox]: wow... Lucky [FireGypsy] and [twinkletoes]...

2006-09-03 [Big Brother]: ya, the delay is returning. don't complain or you will not get the pet! at one time the wait time to get a pet was nearly a month.

2006-09-03 [someone else]: can i join that lucky group?

2006-09-03 [Bookwyrm]: I can't see the black bunny image anymore...I haven't been able to for it just my computer?

2006-09-03 [Fear of the Soul]: the bunny is gone.....

2006-09-03 [kittykittykitty]:
01:44:33 Stephanya: can i have a pet? they look soo cute!
01:45:06 Burnouthappy: All you have to do is read....
01:45:19 battlefield: sure! what do you want? you can have anything!
01:46:07 Stephanya: i don't know, can i have that pretty butterfly?
01:46:45 battlefield: sure, what name?
01:47:43 Stephanya: umm, how about Niki, she is my best friend!
01:48:03 battlefield: sure thing ^_^

That was.... different ^_^ Was [Big Brother] in a particulary good mood?

Traci I can see the image fine :) Just delete your temporary internet files or something :0

2006-09-03 [Bookwyrm]: Okay, thanks Kitty. ^^ I was afraid to deliver the bunny if the image was broken. :(

2006-09-03 [kittykittykitty]: I don't think it's even possible for images to be deleted from the server :0 (at least not by any uber-priv members)

2006-09-03 [FireGypsy]: Yeah [twinkletoes] so shove it! Jon is mine and I WILL kill anyone who stands between us!

2006-09-03 [Bookwyrm]: Ahh, I wasn't sure. XD And I didn't want to deliver a pet just to have to take it away.

2006-09-03 [Bookwyrm]: Ahhh I figured out the problem: the image tag was messed up. In fact, I don't know why that pet was still in the pound (with it's name messed up too - it's name is Snow and it said Snowod) considering I'd already delivered it. Oh wait, there was a message in the comment board about someone messing with the page, wasn't there? I bet that's what happened. ^^

2006-09-03 [kittykittykitty]: Take your fights outside :0 It'll scare the giffies :(

Oh, [Bookwyrm] I saw the weird thing with the bunny in the pound o.O It must have happened when the page was restored to an older version, bceasue it's like the ***delivered*** and the url got mixed up. The bunny is fine in the storehouse though ^_^ (oops, left the page to sit for an hour so this is less relevant)

2006-09-03 [Bookwyrm]: XD Yep, that was the problem. It's all good now though. ^___^ And all the pets have been delivered except for the one delayed one...I may need to get in touch with that member. -.-

2006-09-04 [kittykittykitty]: Ohh... what happened with the member who was adopting the Tasmanian Devil?

2006-09-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: he exploded.

2006-09-04 [Bookwyrm]: That member is getting a killer rabbit. ;) I believe they'd prefer the rare pet.

2006-09-04 [Big Brother]: i have a real killer bunny ^_^


2006-09-04 [Bookwyrm]: XD And it's got SPAM!

2006-09-04 [Big Brother]: monty python spam at that! more info in my house, second image slot.

2006-09-04 [Bookwyrm]: ::nods:: I saw that. ;) Poor Oscar.

2006-09-04 [Big Brother]: i turned my back for just a minute...geez, nothing is safe around him!

2006-09-04 [Big Brother]: i changed the link, if you lick on the image here it will go full size now.

it us blurry but whatever, i might take a better one later.

2006-09-04 [Bookwyrm]: Meh. o.o ::ish scared::

2006-09-04 [FireGypsy]: Hahaha!

2006-09-05 [Larova]: Hey, the Holy Ale also tastes pretty good.

2006-09-05 [Big Brother]: so i have heard ^_^

2006-09-05 [Larova]: Damn right.
Though I'm much more for mead.

2006-09-05 [kittykittykitty]: "if you lick on the image here it will go full size now"
*licks the screen* o_O

2006-09-05 [Bookwyrm]: XD ::can picture kitty licking her computer screen...falls over laughing...hits her head on a coffee table and falls into a coma::

2006-09-05 [kittykittykitty]: *pokes* I don't think she's going to get back up :O *pokes again* Who's got a pen to draw on her face? :3

2006-09-05 [Bookwyrm]: ::mumbles something along the lines of "Jigglypuff" in her unconciousness::

2006-09-05 [phoenixborn]: wake up! *pokes*

2006-09-05 [Bookwyrm]: ::bites [phoenixborn]'s finger off::...::resumes unconciousness::

2006-09-05 [Fear of the Soul]: lol

2006-09-05 [Larova]: *Wipes saliva streaks off his screen*

2006-09-05 [Fear of the Soul]: *dies on floor laughing*

2006-09-05 [Tear]: *kicks*

2006-09-05 [Fear of the Soul]: *twitch*

2006-09-05 [Tear]: My job here is done.

2006-09-06 [Larova]: *Checks pulse*
*Sells organs*

2006-09-06 [Tear]: Flawless Victory *echo*

2006-09-06 [phoenixborn]: ah darn it that was my last finger.

*buys [Fear of the Soul]'s liver* oo this'l make a lovely hat...

2006-09-06 [Larova]: Hey, his bladder would make a great water balloon. *Sales pitch*

2006-09-06 [Fear of the Soul]: who you callin' his? and who's been playing with my manikin?

2006-09-06 [Nytefox]: (dies laughing)... seems like them Meg...

2006-09-07 [Fear of the Soul]: well why are they doin' that? my manikin!!! get your own!

2006-09-07 [Larova]: *Looks at profile*
*Sees semi-cute female-type*
Sweet. They pay more for those.

2006-09-07 [Fear of the Soul]: semi-cute? you think im cute? *blushes*

2006-09-07 [Larova]: Yes. ^_^

2006-09-07 [phoenixborn]: hey you may be cute but your still supposed to be dead! can i keep the hat? pwease *makes cute liver-wanting face*

2006-09-07 [Daniella]: do you lot know if you will have any bulldogs when you next stock up?

2006-09-07 [kittykittykitty]: Looky there's one! But you need to be quick ^_^

2006-09-07 [kittykittykitty]: <3 Snails are ace *stretches her finger for the new snail to slide onto and giggles at the stickiness* :3

2006-09-07 [Fear of the Soul]: lol, i kinda want the frog.... but oh well, im content with my rabbit

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